The Southern Tier Startup Alliance (STSA) leverages the contributions of incubators and existing entrepreneurial resources in the region and creates support services where none currently exist.

Partner incubators organize workshops and programming for budding entrepreneurs, while Entrepreneurs in Residence provide 1:1 mentoring to young companies ready to grow. Support from NYSTAR, LaunchNY, and the New York State Governor’s Office have helped improve the success rate of STSA incubator members by offering incentives and tax benefits through the NYS Innovation Hot Spot program.

Incubation & NYS Incubation Benefits

Startups in New York State (or those willing to relocate to NYS) can be eligible for significant tax benefits through either the Innovation Hot Spot Program, or through START-UP NY. The Southern Tier region qualifies as a Hot Spot, and working in one of the STSA incubators will help your company access these benefits.

Learn More About the Benefits.


The STSA Entrepreneurs in Residence and Mentors come from diverse backgrounds and industries, providing support to entrepreneurs and startups through all stages: ideation, prototyping, and launch. Mentors also help startups connect to sources of capital.

In addition to providing 1:1 mentoring to entrepreneurs and startups in the region, they also lead workshops and support the entrepreneurial community within and outside of our member incubators.

Meet the Entrepreneurs in Residence.

Workshops & Events

The Southern Tier Startup Alliance helps to connect and mobilize our regional startup community. STSA is proud to promote workshops and programming throughout the region, and we invite you to attend some of the upcoming events — many of which are free and open to the community.

Visit the STSA Calendar.